We are more than happy to exchange any unwanted items, provided they are returned unused, in perfect condition and in the original packaging within 14 days of delivery. Refunds can not be given until we have the goods back at our returns address. Postage refunds will not be issued in such circumstances, also if you wish to exchange an item we will need to charge for the delivery back to yourself.
If we have made an error with your order, we will rectify it as soon as possible and cover the cost of any postage.
If you are retuning a product for an exchange please note that we will need to take a £4.99 delivery charge to send the new item out.
Please call us before returning any goods. We can then provide you with our Returns Form to fill out to be sent back to us with the goods. Find Returns Form Here
Please also remember to inspect your delivery carefully and notify us of any damage or missing products within 24 hours.
If an item has been damaged in transit we will replace it as quickly as we can. If an item has broken in normal use and it is within its warranty period, it must be returned to us along with a short note consisting of your name, address, a contact telephone number and an explanation outlining the circumstances of the damage.
Generally, items must be inspected by a manufacturer's representative before any replacements can be issued.
The goods in question need to be returned within 14 days of delivery.
Under these circumstances the return postage will be met by the customer.
Please remember to inspect your delivery carefully and notify us of any damage within 24 hours, we will then take the appropriate action. If there are any damages to the packaging when you take delivery for yours items you will need to make sure you inform the driver to put this down as damaged so we can submit a claim, if you do not do this we cannot claim correctly and therefore cannot send new product or refund straight away.
If an item develops a fault during normal use and is within its warranty period, please return it with a note outlining the issue that has occurred, plus your name, address and a contact telephone number or E-mail address. Generally items must be inspected by a manufacturer’s representative before any replacement can be issued.
If there is found to be a manufacturing fault any postage costs incurred by the customer will also be refunded.