Korda Tapered Leaders
Korda Tapered Leaders 12lb - 40lb
5 x 12mtr lengths in a pack
If you’ve every experienced a cut from a braided leader you’ll know that it’s not a pleasant experience, and one that you don’t want to repeat too often! Imagine my joy when earlier in the year the boys at Korda sent me some SUBline tapered leaders to try. I have to admit that I have tried using other brands of tapered leaders before but none came on a spool and always seemed that little bit too thick. Unravelling it became an absolute nightmare, which often resulted in a tangled mess with the likely outcome it being thrown in the bin.
Given the problems that I was experiencing with ordinary mono leaders, I decided to shy away from them and always opted for an Arma-Kord leader for my spodding, even though I desperately wanted to go onto a mono leader. Personally, I don’t like to use a glove or fingerstall for my spodding, as I tend to lose them, break them or get them clogged up with spod mix, making the whole process of spodding doubly hard and pretty unpleasant.
Once I’d received the SUBline leaders, I was instantly impressed with the fact that it comes on a spool in a set 12m length. Straightaway you know that the days of the mass tangles and wasted leaders are gone. I don’t use the whole 12 metres, I look to put two or three turns onto the reel and have the spod hanging halfway down the rod. I therefore trim at both ends to acheive this and by doing this my actual leader starts at probably around 15lb and ends at 38lb.
In addition, because of the technology used, the diameter of the leaders allows the spod to acheive extreme distances and glide through the rings perfectly, even at the small leader knot. Its abrasion-resistant qualities are second to none, so much so that I’m still on the first leader that I put on the rod!
I’ve not been disappointed using them and I’m sure you won’t be... give them a go.
Dave Finn.